Pulled chicken, the slightly more juicy and less time-consuming little brother of pulled pork. The preparation is done in 3-4 hours (plus brine) and taste absolutely wonderful. Pulled chicken can be made from almost any part of the chicken, but I like to use chicken thighs. Raw with skin and bones. These are much juicier than a breast and much cheaper.

Pulled juicy chicken!

What you need:

  • 2 kg chicken thighs (Raw with skin)
  • 3-4 dl Apple juice
  • 1 dl apple cider vinegar
  • 250g cubed butter
  • 4-5 cloves of garlic
  • Your favorite rub for chicken
  • Olive oil
  • Warm BBQ-Glaze

Start with the rub. Rub the chicken thighs in with a little olive oil and sprinkle over the rub. Feel free to try to get some rub under the skin as well. Then put the chicken thighs in the fridge for at least 3 hours or do this the night before.

Chicken and butter!

Take the chicken out of the fridge and set the grill (or oven) to about 210-225F degrees. At the same time as the grill is hot and even, place the chicken evenly in a tray or aluminum pan. Let the chicken legs get some space between them. Season a little extra and spread the butter cubes over the chicken thighs. Then place the entire pan on the grill set up for indirect heat.

Ready to get shredded

The Wait
After about an hour, pour over the apple juice, vinegar and add the garlic. Then leave everything to settle for another 3 hours (4 hours is also fine). Although pulled chicken takes less time than pulled pork, you will not escape the fact that you have to wait for the chicken to cook. You can use this time for something sensible such as solving sudoku, drinking beer, making the accessories or visiting @thebaconpit on instagram.

Crispy fried chicken skin

Pull my leg
After 3-4 hours, take the pan of the grill and let the chicken cool down a bit. Pour off all the juices into another bowl. When the chicken has rested for about 10 minutes, you can easily remove the skin, this you can fry in a pan together with a little oil to get some crispy waiting snack. Use a fork to scrape the chicken off the bone, use your hands for the meat you cant get of with the fork. Put it all back in the tray. and pour some hot BBQ sauce and some of the liquid you poured from the chicken back to the tray. Mix well and put the tray back on the grill or in the oven at 225-250F.

All pulled

Leave the chicken on the grill for another 30 minutes. Stir in the chicken a little now and then. When the chicken is done, serve with what you like best. flour tortillas, steam buns, burger buns, sour cream, pickled red onion. cheese, salad. You do you! So there you have Pulled pork’s little brother pulled chicken, which I personally like better than the pork version!

Pulled chicken and lots of delicious sides

Categories: BBQRecipes


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