Is game day approaching? And you need something tasty to serve? Then I recommend poppers. Here I have made some poppers from jalapeno, pickles and padrón chilli / peppers. If you like the stronger stuff, you can go get something a bit further up the Scoville scale, but I thrive best in the low terrain on this one, so jalapenos is a great choice for my palate at least.

Padrón peppers, Pickles and jalapenos


  • Jalapenos
  • Pickles (hele)
  • padrón peppers
  • 150g Cream cheese (roomtemp)
  • 1Tbs mustars
  • 2ts garlic powder
  • 1Tbs paprika
  • 1Tbs sour cream
  • some shredded cheese
  • Bacon (strips)
  • BBQ sauce
Picanha fra siden
Cheese mix all done

Divide the poppers in half
Start by dividing the jalapeno or pickles lengthwise. A good tip, is to tilt them about 90 degrees from where they are most stable before you cut them, then the most stable point on the popper comes at the bottom. Scrape out the seeds and membrane from the jalapenos, and the core / seeds from the pickles, so that they become small “canoes”. The rest of the pickles you can use for a smashing salad dressing or for your hotdogs. Mix together the rest of the ingredients for the cheese filling and fill one half with this. Put the other half as a lid and roll a strip of bacon around. Season with a good rub. Heat the grill or oven at 210-220 degrees C.

Picanha i delt i biffer
Feel free to use skewers to make them easier to handle on the grill.

Once the grill is all warmed up, put the poppers on. And leave them until the bacon starts to turn golden and crispy. (Approx. 20-30 minutes) At the end of the cooking time, brush a little bbq sauce and let it sit for 10 minutes. Serve straight from the grill and feel free to make a dip or something to dip the poppers in or just eat them “as is”. Enjoy!

Picanha i delt i biffer
All done, ready to eat!


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