Food is not just something you need to survive. No, it’s passion! Pure, concentrated and genuine passion! The processes from A to Z, where quality and hard work, turn into small but magical moments. The pursuit of perfection you will never achieve, but you value your journey there more than the result. To get up at 5am to light up the smoker, even though the serving is not until late at night. That moment, when your guest’s face says more than 1000 words about how the food tastes. THAT is food to me.

Good food does not start with a good recipe, it starts with you! If you cook with passion, the food as well as the job itself to make it, taste MUCH better. Recipes are great inspiration, feel free to follow my and others’ recipes, but I will encourage you! yes YOU! To make your own twist. Try and fail, try and succeed. Good results come from experience, and experience from poor results!

About me:

Joakim Brattland
Self-proclaimed Pit master
Grill and BBQ addict