Why is most burgers round?
Traditions are there to be broken!? No, I love a real juicy burger served with a soft and delicious bun. But then again the burger cheese comes in square packages, so why not let the burger and accompanying bread be square. Here is a recipe for what I would call a hybrid of a Liege waffle and a potato bun. Crispy on the outside, and soft on the inside. Just like a hamburger should be.

Dry aged burger with “Flamish” potato buns

This is what you need for 6 buns (3 burgers):

  • 500g flour
  • 100g butter (50g melted and 50g roomtempered)
  • 80g boiled potatoes (cold)
  • 1tbs”Liquid gold

  • 3dl milk
  • 1 bag dry yeast
  • 1tbs sugar
  • 1ts salt

Start with the yeast
Heat the milk to about 37 degrees celsius (warmer and the yeast will die) mix in the sugar and the yeast. Stir well and cover the container with plastic or aluminum foil. After about 5 minutes, the yeast will start to bubble and make a sponge-like lid on the milk. This is exactly how you want it to look, then you know that the yeast works as it should. If this does not happen, then you have to start again with new yeast and new milk.

Yeast getting to work

Continue with the flour
Put the flour, mashed potatoes and salt into a bowl. Melt half / 50g of the butter (The rest of the butter will be added in the dough later) Add 1 tablespoon of “Liquid gold” in the hot butter and let it melt together. Allow the butter to cool slightly before pouring it into the flour, together with the yeast mixture. Knead the dough for 15-20 minutes. Then let the dough rise for 30 minutes before kneading in the rest of the butter (room temperature). Then let the dough rise for another hour.

Ready to cook

Divide the dough
Divide the dough into 6 thick pieces and bake them in a waffle iron for “Belgian waffles”. Squeeze the iron together so that the dough fills the entire iron. Do not put pressure on after this, then you will get hard flat buns. Bake the buns until they are golden and have risen slightly. The parts that have been cleaned out and not fried the same as the rest, you cut away. Let the breads cool on a rack.

“Fluffy” flamish buns

Ready to eat
Before serving, take the side you are least happy with the appearance of, and cut off the “tops” so that there is no crust against the burger itself (you want the buns to absorb some of the magic that happens between them) Fill the buns with your favorites and a SQUARE burger!

Square,juicy and super cool burger!

Categories: BBQRecipes


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